to be out of hearing

to be out of hearing
быть за пределами слышимости

Большой англо-русский учебный словарь сочетаемости. . 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "to be out of hearing" в других словарях:

  • out of hearing — phrase so far away that you cannot hear it Thesaurus: not near and difficult to reachsynonym Main entry: hearing * * * out of ˈhearing idiom too far away to hear sb/sth or to be heard • She had moved …   Useful english dictionary

  • out of hearing — so far away that you cannot hear it …   English dictionary

  • hearing — hear|ing [ hırıŋ ] noun ** 1. ) uncount your ability to hear sounds: My hearing has deteriorated as I ve grown older. hearing loss: Prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause hearing loss. 2. ) count a meeting of a court of law or official… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • hearing */*/ — UK [ˈhɪərɪŋ] / US [ˈhɪrɪŋ] noun Word forms hearing : singular hearing plural hearings 1) [uncountable] your ability to hear sounds My hearing has deteriorated as I ve got older. hearing loss: Prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause hearing… …   English dictionary

  • hearing — noun 1) the wolf s acute hearing Syn: ability to hear, auditory perception, sense of hearing, aural faculty 2) she moved out of hearing Syn: earshot, hearing distance, hearing range, auditory range 3) I had a fair hearing …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • hearing — noun 1) she moved out of hearing Syn: earshot, hearing distance 2) I had a fair hearing Syn: chance to speak, opportunity to be heard 3) he gave evidence at the hearing Syn …   Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • hearing — /ˈhɪərɪŋ / (say hearring) noun 1. the faculty or sense by which sound is perceived. 2. the act of perceiving sound. 3. opportunity to be heard: to grant a hearing. 4. Law the presentation of a matter before a tribunal. –phrase 5. within hearing… …  

  • out — /owt/, adv. 1. away from, or not in, the normal or usual place, position, state, etc.: out of alphabetical order; to go out to dinner. 2. away from one s home, country, work, etc., as specified: to go out of town. 3. in or into the outdoors: to… …   Universalium

  • out-of-the-way — Synonyms and related words: Bohemian, O shaped, aberrant, aberrative, adrift, ambagious, antipodean, apart, back of beyond, backhanded, beat, beside the mark, beside the point, beside the question, beyond reach, beyond the bounds, breakaway,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • out of — cvb a) idi not within: out of the house[/ex] b) idi beyond the reach of: out of hearing[/ex] c) idi not in a condition of: out of danger[/ex] d) idi so as to deprive or be deprived of e) idi from within or among: Take the jokers out of the… …   From formal English to slang

  • out of reach — Synonyms and related words: antipodean, back of beyond, beyond reach, beyond the bounds, closed forever to, closed to, godforsaken, hyperborean, impenetrable, impervious, inaccessible, lost to, out of earshot, out of hearing, out of range, out of …   Moby Thesaurus

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